If you’re in search of a larger option, look no further! This solution is ideal for you. With a height of 35 inches and a width of 4.75 inches, this mold is exactly what you need. It’s made from the commonly used self-releasing molded plastic and requires no oiling. This baluster design is a replication of the Baroque era (1650-1780) and perfectly balances design and elegance from that time period. It was proudly used throughout Europe and always performed admirably. Today, the Piza baluster design is used to infuse modern designs with Baroque charm and distinction, so its elegance is unquestionable. This baluster is the only choice for you if you want something sturdy and sizeable to add to your home.
Technical Information:
Height: 35 inches
Width: 4.75 inches
Material: Self-releasing molded plastic
Usage: No oiling required